Monday 3 June 2013

First Ultra Distance Run!

Last weekend I completed my first ultra distance training run - i.e. my first run longer than the 26.2 mile marathon distance. At 30 miles it was the longest distance I have ever run (or more accurately run with a bit of walking / staggering). See route below:

Not having any experience of running this far I wasn't entirely sure how it would go, particularly as while I have run 4 marathons up to this point, the mentality and atmosphere during a race is very different. When you are completely knackered during a marathon, there are at least others around you going through the same thing and people cheering you on. On a training run it is just you plodding along the pavement while the world goes about its business around you, which can feel quiet lonely sometimes.

The farthest I had ever run in training before was 22 / 23 miles which had seemed like a bloody long way, and a lot of time spent running, though at less than 3 hours it was significantly less time than I expected it to take me to cover 30 miles (with a practice weight rucksack). Planning the run I arbitrarily decided that I wanted to do it in less than 5 hours, which when thinking about it more seemed quite ambitious! It is a very different type of running pushing past the 26.2 mile distance, moving at speeds that make your marathon pace seem very fast indeed in order to keep your body going.

To make the distance less daunting I broke the distance down into 5 mile segments in my head and promising myself a reward (like some sugar or a walking break), a method that has been commonly recommended through the reading I have done. Happily it seemed to work - less than 5 miles left until the next reward is a lot easier to deal with than 15, or 20 miles!

I was lucky to have a couple of good friends run the first 15 miles with me, which must have been frustrating for them pootling along at such a painfully slow pace, but they were very nice about it! This helped no end psychologically, making the run feel half the length. These first 15 miles were in a big loop around Knutsford and Tatton Park which was lovely change from the standard trudge around south Manchester. They then left me in Knutsford, and I carried on, running home. It really helped to have an end destination rather than just a distance to reach.

I had originally decided to try running and walking at regular intervals, however in the end I ran (slowly!) for the first 10 miles before having my first walking break and taking on some sugar. After that I promised myself a walking break every 5 miles, for half a mile. This held up until the final four miles when I resorted to walking more frequently. I was starting to find it difficult and I could feel the effects of dehydration when I approached the 26 mile mark but I really wanted to be running when passed the 26.2 mile point, as that was the landmark point of the whole experience.

I knew beforehand that walking breaks would be necessary to help me cover the distance, however I had decided that I would not stop, and any walking would be fast, ideally around a 12 minute mile, ensuring that I continued to make sensible progress. Looking at the data from my GPS watch I spent much less time walking than I thought I had and kept a reasonable speed, which was satisfying. Curiously towards the end it was actually less uncomfortable to carry on jogging than it was to walk.

It was a hot day (20 C ish) which was a good thing from an experience point of view, but made the distance all the more daunting. The warmth made me concentrate on drinking more than I might have otherwise have done, which will be crucial in the desert. I took on less food/sugar than I had expected (a clif bar, 3 shot blocs and a bottle of powerade), though I had taken plenty along with me in my rucsack. It wont have helped my pace but I didn't feel any ill effects which is good for confidence that my pace was right.

Anyway 30 miles... a step into the world of ultrarunning and the unknown, pushing the boundaries of my experience and confidence. In the end that is really the whole point of this MdS lark.

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