Monday 21 October 2013

Berlin Marathon

Berlin Marathon

I've been a little distracted over the last few months training for the Berlin Marathon which has taken my attention a little away from dedicated MdS training. The training didn't really go to plan - a few other things cropped up in the weeks leading up to the race, so it was never going to go particularly spectacularly. I did really enjoy it though, having decided to relax and not have my eyes glued to my watch the whole time. It did my confidence good finishing comfortably (not fast!) and feeling good. I even felt I could happily run another 10 - 12 miles which is reassuring.

Anyway, I've had a couple of weeks off to relax and get my head around the next 5 and a half months. I'm quite pleased with my fitness base but I do need to get back into some longer distances and some more specific training. I've put together my training plan up to the MdS and done some research on some good prep races to enter. 

I had some motivation issues during my Berlin training (mainly due to boredom of plodding the same old routes over and over), so I've been particularly thinking about how to get round the problems I was having, especially heading into the winter months. I'll cover that and the new nice shiny new bits of kit which I've procured recently in other posts soon, but bed is calling now!

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